Our Commitment to a Better Future

The Guild optimizes existing technologies and methodologies to offer a robust set of tools allowing younger generations future-proof access to opportunities in an engaging yet inclusive way.

Our solution simultaneously addresses issues in Web3, Web2, and the Freelance Gig Economy with great care placed on how problems converge and intersect.

Part I - Web3

  • DAO Adoption Headwinds

    Overall DAO adoption has stalled due to misaligned incentives between participants, token holders, and administrators. In addition, unclear profit models also hamper sustainable adoption. Finally, the excessive focus toward governance over production outputs limits real-world viability.

  • Continued Friction into Web3

    Those outside of Web3 still struggle with high usability friction. Continued effort must be placed on creating experiences closer to existing Web2 platforms.

  • Bad Actors & Lack of Real-World Utility

    A perceived negative reputation continues to plague Web3 is its perceived reputation. As an emerging technology, blockchain and Web3 are ripe for exploitation with everything from rug-pulls to abandoned roadmaps.

Part II - Web2

  • Limited Access to Advanced Technology

    Current Web2 platforms struggle to fully leverage the latest technologies due to cost, complexity, or lack of expertise, leading to inefficiencies and missed opportunities.

  • Security Concerns

    Web2 platforms may lack robust security measures, exposing companies and individuals to data breaches and other cyber risks.

  • Lack of Control and Ownership

    Centralized control and a lack of true ownership over social dynamics lead to inefficiencies, exploitation, and misalignment between the entire user base. The most common issues including:

    • Value extraction from users

    • Incentives encouraging exploitation and hyper-competition over collaboration

    • Lack of robust discovery and recommendation systems limiting exposure to opportunities and candidates

Part III - Freelance Economy

  • Skill Mismatch

    There's a significant gap between the digital skills demanded by employers and those possessed by the workforce. Many businesses report a shortfall in IT skills, indicating a need for more specialized training, education, and work opportunities in this area.

  • Inclusivity and Accessibility

    Current digital work platforms are failing to cater to diverse users with different abilities, thereby limiting their usability and reach.

  • Rising demand for flexible, digital-first career options

    The demand for flexible, digital-first career options has been rising steadily, as evidenced by various industry trends and workforce surveys. These results underscore the growing preference for careers that not only offer digital engagement but also provide the flexibility to work remotely and on personalized schedules.

Last updated